сряда, 5 април 2023 г.

The dream of engineer C. /Reading for astrologers/



    C. was a mechanical engineer in a medium-sized city in Bulgaria. His whole life was spent designing various machines and equipment. He was satisfied with what he had created and was happy to take a well-deserved rest after his retirement. He loved nature and tourism and often hiked with friends in the nearby mountains. He had interesting hobbies, but one inherited from his childhood obsessed and possessed him incredibly strongly. 
So one night he was watching another episode of How the Universe Works. He followed with interest the explanations of the leading young professor of astrophysics. From his words, almost everything related to the structure and operation of the universe was already clarified by world science. However, C. didn't think that was exactly the case. He undressed and went to bed, still thinking about it. He drifted into a doze, and as happened almost every night, the dreams overtook him. H e dreams that he continues to watch the film about the universe - planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, pulsars... Suddenly, gradually, the TV became brighter and an image of an old man with long white hair and a beard appeared on the screen. C. looked puzzled and didn't know what to think. The image gradually became clearer and C., without hearing a sound, realized that the old man was telepathically conveying some message to him. I am the Supreme Mind, the Creator of everything in space, whom you call God and imagine him as some wise old man! I see you are a person who wants to know how the world is made up, how space works and can man know and understand all this with his human brain!? I tell you that it cannot, because man is relatively low in the hierarchy of world reason! However, I want to show people, through you, some basic connections and interactions between the different structures of space. Listen carefully, and then write down what I'm going to tell you and show it to the people. C. listened with astonishment to the message that the Supreme was conveying to him.-Lord, how will I remember all this? – It will be stored in your brain when you wake up. Write it down now! C. concentratedly continued to follow what God was communicating to him. He did not understand how long it all lasted, but not long after, the TV screen began to fade and the image of the wise old man gradually disappeared. When he woke up in the morning, C. quickly took a sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down the nightly message of God, formulated in several main points. Here's what they looked like:

1.Space is filled with multiple universes – multiverses.
    2. The universe is characterized by three parameters:- E-energy, M-mass,
       I-information, abbreviated EMI.
    3. EMI qualitatively determines the level of the universe.
    4. The universe is an expanding / contracting / sphere with a certain speed, 
      the mass of which is located on the surface of the sphere.
    5. Two universes are in contact with each other in the contact surface between
      their spheres / a circle with an expanding / contracting / diameter.
    6. Universes exchange EMIs at the contact surfaces between them, through
      the black holes.
    7. Through black holes EMI passes from one universe to another. A universe with
       more EMI sucks out one from one with less.
    8. EMI passing through black holes appears in the other universe in the form
       of dark matter, energy and information.
    9. Universes with decreasing EMI expand, and those with increasing EMI decrease
      their expansion rate or begin to contract.
    10. Each universe may be in contact with more other universes. It can draw EMI 
       from some, and others can draw from it. Universes in general behave like predators.
    11. EMI determines the type of universe – expanding, contracting or pulsating.
    12. In regions of the universe with dark E, M, and I, new stars and galaxies form.
    13. Under certain conditions, universes with increasing EMI can shrink to the 
       point of collapsing to an infinitesimally small point.
    14. Such universes explode into antispace as antiuniverses /big antibang/.
    15. These universes die in space but are born in antispace
    16. EMI throughout space is constant, but is exchanged between universes via
       black holes. The same thing happens in antispace.
    17. The process of constant transition of universes from space to anti space and 
       vice versa is a kind of reincarnation of universes.
    18. Galaxies from the same universe cannot collide with each other.
    19. If somewhere there is a collision between two galaxies, then they are from
       two different universes.
    20. If galaxies are observed in the inner volume of a universe, then they are 
      from another universe.
    21. The level of intelligence of the universe is determined by its EMI, respectively
      by its I component. Universes with higher EMI create more perfect civilizations 
      and vice versa. Expanding universes like yours have less EMI and their civilizations
      are more primitive.
    22. Each universe has its dates of birth and death and life span.
    23. The rate of expansion of the universe determines the time for its observation,
       before the birth of the object from which it takes place - for example, the Earth.
          C–speed of light, V–expansion rate of the universe, 
          t0–time of impossibility of observing the universe before the birth of the Earth, 
          tn–time of observing the universe before the birth of the Earth, 
          tp– moment of the birth of the Earth

24. If C=V, the birth of the universe /big bang/ can be observed, if C<V, tn<0,
        the anti-universe is observed ???    
     25. There is an analogy between the life and death of universes and humans: 
        Birth, life, death, life in antispace, new birth /rebirth/ etc., a continuous cycle 
        of improvement???

         C. reread what was recorded several times. It was all too strange for him. Many of           the things he recorded were familiar to people, but others sounded incredible. Was 

       all this true or not!? C. was not sure, but still God had told him, and isn't He                    the absolute   truth! But, C. asked himself, if He invented and created all this, who            created Him!?


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